Men’s Ministry – Wild at Heart weekend @ Poplars


A 2-day event for Christian men featuring teaching from John Eldridge by videoWild at Heart weekend.JPG  
Join Tom and a group of guys from St Michael’s on a 70 acre former fruit farm near the Malvern Hills.

This is a great time to get away, deepen friendships and connect with God. 

 – 1-2-1  time with God, to reflect and pray (no group work!) 

 –  Time to relax on your own or with friends

  – Optional activities including bushcraft and sports

  – Saturday evening bonfire and beers

  – Delicious food!

 – early bird price £180

 For more information and to book, email Andrew at:


£50  deposit required to secure booking

£180  early bird price if balance paid by 30th June – £200 thereafter

All balances must be settled by 31st August 2024