Mindfulness & Prayer with Rev Tim Stead – Day Course


Another popular day course on Mindfulness and prayer with Rev Tim Stead

 We are delighted to welcome Tim back for another Saturday workshop. 

These workshops are a great opportunity to stop, reflect, learn, and develop tools that help us ‘practise the present moment’ and ‘practise the presence of God’.

We need these skills more and more in our hyper-distracted, digital age!

Whether you are seasoned in mindfulness or want to find out more – there will be something for you in this workshop. 

Intentions for the day:

We all face challenges in life, some small, some big, some
completely overwhelming. So how can mindfulness practice
help us to face these challenges with wisdom and compassion
while keeping ourselves and others safe?

This day will introduce us to mindfulness practices which can do
just this as we explore these three themes of: safety; wisdom
and compassion in the midst of difficulty and challenge.

We will root all this in the Christian themes of: God as our
Rock and Refuge, discerning the voice of God, and love as Jesus’
supreme command.

There will be regular breaks throughout the day. Tea and coffee will be provided. Please bring a packed lunch with you.

Course leader
Tim Stead is an accredited mindfulness teacher who trained with the Oxford Mindfulness Centre. He was a Church of England vicar for 23 years and now operates as a freelance mindfulness teacher, teaching eight-week courses and leading retreats and quiet days. His books, Mindfulness and Christian Spirituality and See, Love, Be – mindfulness and the spiritual life are published by SPCK. He has also published a Grove Booklet: Mindfulness and prayer. www.timsteadmindfulness.org

What people have said about these workshops:

“I now I have the practical tools to spend time with God in silence on my own – these tools and practices have actually changed my prayer life!”

“It’s so good to explore the links between current learning in mindfulness practice and Christian Spirituality – I didn’t realise there were so many’. 

“These workshops have taught me to appreciate the present moment more and more and notice God working in my life in the small things and the big.’

“I could listen to Tim for ages – he’s such a good communicator”.

The day will: 

– Explore how mindfulness practice can engage with and support the spiritual journey with particular reference to the Christian contemplative tradition
– Serve as a quiet day where participants go away feeling they have had space for deep reflection.
– Share ways that mindfulness could be taken forward for those who choose to.