Dads & Kids Breakfast

Dads and Kids Breakfast is a wonderful way to spend time with your children and get to know other Dads from the Church in a relaxed and friendly environment.

There will be toys and games for your children to play with as they make friends and breakfast will be available to buy from our Coffee Shop.

Men’s Ministry Beer Tasting

This year, the Men’s Ministry is mixing up the Beer tasting evening on Saturday 20 January

There will be 5 Best Bitters and 5 English IPAs to blind taste (blindfolds not required) against the BJCP (Beer Judge Certification Program) style guidelines.

You will be judging each beer against the BJCP style for; Aroma, Appearance, Flavour & mouthfeel to find your overall winner 

Between the 2 styles, there will be a refreshment break with a hotdog and onions

The evening will start at 19:30 and will cost £10.

Booking and payment is online, places are limited to 48 men over the age of 18.


Men’s Food and Film Night

Calling all men!

Come and try a Great British tradition with a twist. We’re offering a roast in a roll, with a traditional pud, rounded off with watching the British icon James Bond in Skyfall.

This all takes place on Saturday 16 September in the auditorium. 6pm for 6.30pm start.

Veggie options will be available (please provide dietary requirements when booking) 
Cost is just £5.

Bookings close on Thursday 14 September.


Men’s Ministry – Bushcraft weekend

Click here to book

When: 10 am Saturday 8 July to 3 pm Sunday 9 July (leaving Stoke Gifford at 8.30 am) 

Where: Riverside private land just outside Bradford Upon Avon, Bath. 

Who: This is for 1 dad and 1 child (aged 9/Yr 5 and above, boys and girls)

Space is limited: There is space for 8 dads (with their 1 child) and 4 additional guys. Please sign up and pay to secure a place!

Cost: £80/head.  £160 for you and your child. (please get in touch with Tom Benyon if you would like to attend but the cost is preventing you) 

The cost includes the fee for Nathan Beard, bushcraft expert, and his assistant; all food and entertainment; bushcraft and foraging sessions and all the joy of an excellent event with your child that you haven’t planned! 

Bring: Suitable outdoor wear and a small tent (2-4 person)

(Again, if you need a tent speak to Tom Benyon) 

To find out more about Nathan Beard and his outdoor events, see here:

If you would like to find out more information about this event contact Tom Benyon

Click here to book