Sunday Sermon Series

Sunday Sermon Series

Sunday teaching is a key part of St Michael’s. We aim to have a series of engaging and thought-provoking topics to deepen our understanding of the Bible and its relevance in our lives today.

From exploring foundational biblical principles, to addressing pressing contemporary issues, our aim is to equip and inspire each member of our communities to live out their faith with purpose and conviction. Join us as we seek to grow together in knowledge, wisdom, and love.

Mission: Possible

Our morning series for January and February is Mission: Possible. We will be looking at what God is doing across the world, and be encouraged to think about how we can all respond. Each Sunday there will also be opportunity to find out about organisations that we are partnered with via our Mission Support Hub.

Practicing the Way: Solitude

During Lent, our Sunday teaching is based on the practice of Solitude – the fourth practice in the Practicing the Way series. More details of the other practices that we have covered can be found on our Rule of Life page

Rule of Life

Rule of Life

One of our objectives for 2024-2027 is:

To continue to build a Rule of Life following the Practicing the Way Resources.

By adopting not just the teaching, but the practices, from Jesus’ life, we open ourselves up to God and allow him to transform us.

The nine core Practices work together to form a Rule of Life for the modern era.

So far we have had sermon series on Sabbath, Fasting and Prayer. During Lent 2025 we will be having a series on Solitude.

Each sermon series can be seen on a YouTube playlist. The links are below:

The teaching is from the Practicing the Way resources, which can be found online here

We also recommend the Practicing the Way book by John Mark Comer

Practicing the Way: Be with Jesus. Become like him. Live as he did: Be with Jesus. Become like him. Do as he did” by John Mark Comer (Available from all good book stores ISBN  0281086672 and on Amazon ))

There is also a podcast specifically on the book – listen on spotify here.

The Rule of Life podcast is also recommended


This Lent we have been looking at the practice of Fasting, as part of our teaching series, Practicing the Way, where we learn habits to help us become more like Jesus. 

We looked at fasting from the following topic headings: 

  • To offer ourselves to Jesus. (See Si’s talk here and Julie’s talk here) 
  • To grow in holiness. (See Ellies’s talk here)
  • To amplify our prayers (See Tom’s talk here)
  • To stand with the poor  (See Chris’s talk here and Trevor’s talk here)

What is fasting?

Fasting is one of the best practices we can do to integrate our entire person, including our body, around God.

The Bible links the practice of fasting with justice, with discernment, and with answered prayer. Jesus commended it – so it deserves our attention!

Biblically, fasting primarily involves abstaining from food to varying degrees and for varying periods.

We are well aware that this will not be appropriate for everyone. 

There are no shoulds and oughts when it comes to fasting, and like with all the practices, this is invitational. 

We can’t use the practices to control our formation or even our relationship with God. Our goal isn’t to control our formation but to surrender to Jesus, and fasting is one way we can do this. 

What if I can’t fast?

Some of us may not be able to fast food at the moment, due to a health issue or a season of life. See here for a list people who should not fast without professional/medical supervision. 

If you are unable to fast food for whatever reason then you may want to consider abstaining from media/your phone/shopping, or anything that will enable you to ‘go without so you can grow within’. 

First Steps

  • Pick a day that works for you.
  • Start with something manageable – We suggest you try fasting one or two meals. The goal is to make fasting a part of your regular life, not try it once or twice, hate it and never try it again. Start where you are, not where you feel like you ‘should’ be.
  • If you can do this with others in your life group or community, that can be helpful and encouraging. 
  • Drink lots of water. 
  • In the times you would be eating or preparing food perhaps read the bible,  pray, worship. Let your desire for food point you to Jesus as you open yourself to him. 


  • As Jesus encouraged it, fasting is personal and private, discretely undertaken and not publicly broadcast.
  • Fasting may have some side benefits to health and well-being, but it’s important to know from the Bible what it is for and not for. See below.
  • If you start fasting with (or to be precise, without!) food, take your doctor’s advice if you are pregnant, or have medical conditions like diabetes that might be affected. Children should not be fasting. 
  • When your fasting saves you time or money – consider how to use these savings wisely!

Further reading 

For more information on the following questions you may have, we recommend this excellent guide from Bill Bright: 

Fast Forward: The Untapped Catalyst to Spiritual Growth. A short free booklet by Lisa Bevere, on the topic of fasting (especially for women). It’s partly biographical, and partly inspirational/educational. See it here.
Bridgetown Church resources are also excellent – they are free but a little harder to access as it’s part of a programme (you can create an account/sign up). However, you can find their main PDF resource on the practice of fasting here.