Re:fresh Craft and Chat Evening


Join us for a delightful evening of creativity and camaraderie at our Re:fresh Women’s Craft Evening! Whether you’re an experienced crafter, just dipping your toes in, or never tried anything like it before, this event is for you. 
All materials, soft drinks and snacks are included in the ticket price. Bring your own alcohol if you would like to.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to connect. Sign up now for a night of laughter, relaxation, and creativity!

During the evening there will be the opportunity to try out TWO different activities from the following six options:


Each activity will be led by someone explaining the activity and doing it alongside you. Except the colouring/bible journalling option, which will be self-led. 
Or you can sit and chat if you prefer!

We want the evening to be fun, relaxed and informal. There is no need to have any experience in crafting. It’s a great chance to try something new. All materials are provided and whatever you work on or create you will be able to take home with you.

Tickets are only £8, and bookings close on Monday 6 May.  

There will be two activity sessions, and you will be able to try two different activities. Doors open at 7pm. The first activity will begin at 7.30pm and will run for an hour we will then have a short break before the second activity,

When booking, please indicate your first and second choice of activity for EACH session.  Where possible we will try and allocate everyone to their first choice for each session.

Look forward to seeing you there!