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Youth Club Spring Term Sign up
Youth – Years 7-9 Club – Years 10-13 Cost: £1.25 (paid on the door or paid termly) Info on the term: 8 weeks paid in advance or weekly This term Youth Club (YC) times are 7:30-8:45pm (If money is a problem please contact We will do something in the Holidays but will email out nearer the time. As it currently stands this term we have enough leaders to run without a limit or sign ups but that might change and we will give plenty of notice about it. *free entry for everyone because we had to cancel a week last term. Rules in place: This term we will be introducing some new ground rules for Youth Club to help everyone know where they stand and so we have a common understanding of how the club works 🙂 1) Respect the Leaders 2) Respect the building & equipment 3) Respect each other Nice and simple so they are easy to remember 🙂 When leaders see behaviour that doesn’t match up to these we will be giving strikes. 2 strikes in a session and we’ll ring parents/guardians at the end of the evening. 3 Strikes in a session and they will have to miss the following week. When they attend the week after that it will be a clean slate however if they get another 3 strikes when they return it will be a ban for the term. We want to make Youth Club a safe and fun place for everyone involved and by following our simple 3 rules everyone should be able to have fun and be safe 🙂 Toilets: A quick friendly reminder that Toilets are for going to the toilet 🙂 Last term on several occasions we found the boys and girls toilets being used for stuff other than relieving ones self and had to spend a while clearing up the mess that had been made. We feel sad that we have to stipulate this but will be giving strikes out when we see the toilets not being used properly. TUCK SHOP: The tuck shop will be open and we have a limit of £2.50 per young person per night so that we don’t run out of tuck too quickly. NUMBER LIMITS: Sadly due to the capacity safeguarding ratios and limits we are having to limit entry to 50 young people each night so will sadly have to turn people away at the door if we are full. If you would like to join our team as a volunteer to help us boost this number please talk to Sam. NEW SCHOOL YEAR SIGN UP: So that our details are correct we will be sending out a link for a new school year sign up (this won’t sign your young person up for the following week) We want to make sure our details are up to date and so we can get hold of parents in case of an emergency. Please don’t forget if you haven’t signed up for the year to do so via this link: If you have any questions please get in contact with Sam at |