New housing communities
There are a number of new housing communities in the parish that have been built in recent years, including Cheswick Village and Scholar’s Chase. More are emerging as new houses are built.
A good number of people at St Michael’s live in these areas, and encouraging folk to move into these areas is part of our long term strategic vision.
The new communities have a growing sense of their own identity, and we work hard to serve and share Jesus with them in whatever way we can.
Cheswick Village
Seedlings is for Mums and babies under 1 year that meets on a Monday morning near Cheswick.
Likewise Saplings is for a parent/carer to bring pre-schoolers over 1 year on Friday mornings near Cheswick.
A small team from St Michael’s help at this each week and some good relationships with parents and carers are developing.
Each Christmas we hold a carol event at Wallscourt Academy for the community, as well as a carol singing event at the Boston Tea Party.
A ‘Songs of Praise’ event takes place at Beaufort Grange Care Home which is popular with the residents.
Scholars Chase
The Stoke Gifford retirement village is in scholar’s chase.
The village has over 200 apartments and a large meeting room. Over the years we have built good relationships with the residents there and a number of them attend St Michael’s church.
Over the pandemic we hosted a number of outdoor services, as well as provided a ‘live stream’ of our 9am Sunday service for residents.
Starting in September 2021 we will be having a regular monthly service in the village on the first Sunday of the month at 3pm.
Likewise, there will be a weekly, daytime life-group based in the village, and open to anyone living in the area.
‘Forest’ church
This is a new initiative that was trialled over the summer of 2021 and started in the Autumn of 2021.
A number of families from new housing areas have met as a monthly Sunday afternoon life-group over the past couple years.
These families form the core of a ‘forest’ church, which involve exploring God’s creation, singing songs, hearing bible stories, playing games and having lots of fun along the way – whatever the weather!