Under the umbrella of ‘Pastoral ministry’, a wide range of facilities are available that aim to show people that they belong, matter, are noticed, are welcomed and are missed when not around.

Pastoral Care

The core team responds to and supports church family members and others in the community in times of crisis or with ongoing problems. Over the next year, we will be looking to see how we can deploy members of the wider team more effectively so that we can continue to be confident that we have a ministry that is responsive to pastoral needs as they arise.


In a growing church, it can be difficult for people to get to know others who attend a different service from them.

the aim of Connect is to help build relationships across the whole church, recognising that meeting socially and having fun together makes connections, develops relationships and enables people to feel that they ‘belong’.

Our Facebook group “Connect at St Michaels” can be found here

Prayer Ministry

Prayer ministry at St Michael’s is an integral part of our care and support for each other under the wider umbrella of the ‘pastoral net’. The aim is to encourage not only prayer ministry in services but also in all aspects of church life, as a spontaneous and natural response to situations and needs. The amazing and committed team of prayer ministers has expanded over the past year. We draw strength and confidence from each other and seek to be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit in all that we do.

Regarding prayer ministry during services, we are ever mindful of the changing needs of each of our congregations and we continue to explore ways to best support prayer ministry in each case. Click here to book prayer ministry

If you want more info  please get in touch