The Diocese of Bristol aims to create communities of wholeness with Christ at the centre. Our church communities need to be places where all are safe and protected from abuse, all can be healed and all can live life to the full.
At St Michael’s we are committed to enabling that aim, and we seek to provide effective safeguarding processes to ensure the safety of young people and vulnerable adults All of those who work with children, young people or vulnerable adults at St Michael’s undertake a checking process, culminating in a Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) check, which is renewed every three years, and ongoing safeguarding training.
The Parish Safeguarding Officer role has a split focus between Children and Adults at Risk

Andrew Fenton- Parish Safeguarding Officer (Adults at Risk)

Rose Taylor – Parish Safeguarding Officer (Children)
They are the first point of call for any safeguarding concerns and queries. Contact them via the Contact form
Our safeguarding policy can be seen here
You can also find further information on the Diocese of Bristol website
The Church of England Promoting a Safer Church policy statement can be seen here