Church gift day for the Heart of the Community

Sunday 20 October is our 2013 church gift day for the Heart of the Community project.

Every family in church will receive an updated Making a Difference brochure explaining the vision we believe God has given us. Please read your copy or pass it on to someone else who might be inspired to play their part as well? 

We have already raised £2.2m and work has started on the church and community centre. Our aim is to raise a further £800,000 by June 2014. That will enable us to complete the shell of the new centre and provide the first useable meeting rooms and community spaces. We will hear more about this over the next couple of weeks. 

Many people have been giving sacrificially since May 2012. Thank you. Others of us may now be in a position to give to the project for the first time or to increase our level of giving. Please pray, asking God to guide you as you decide how much you should give. Pledge forms for the gift day are currently available at the back of church. Any questions please ask one of the Heart of the Community team or a member of the church leadership team.

Bring and share

Everyone is invited to make their pledges on Sunday 20 October. We will also be gathering for a bring and share lunch together in the Old School Rooms after the 10.30am service. Please sign up on the sheets in the church and the Old School Rooms – choose a food to bring and a job to help with – and we’ll celebrate God’s generosity together. (Don’t forget to bring something to drink as well.)