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Join the St Michael’s Electoral Roll
At St Michael’s we want to live to make a difference, by being a Christian heart at the centre of our communities. If St Michael’s is your home church we encourage you to join the electoral roll.
The Electoral Roll is the Church of England’s official register of who worships with us here at St Michael’s. If you’re not currently on the roll, we would love you to sign-up.
If you completed a form for the 2019 -2025 electoral roll (the past five years ) you do not need to complete one again, unless your details have changed.
The application deadline is Sunday 7 April to ensure it is completed by our Annual Meeting on 24 April.
Why have an Electoral Roll?
It is your parish church register of electors. It is the list of those qualified to attend and to vote at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting where the elections take place for the Parochial Church Council and the parish’s representatives on the Deanery Synod. Any person entitled to attend the Annual Church Parochial Meeting may raise any question of parochial or general church interest.
How do I join the Electoral Roll?
You can join the electoral roll online by filling in the form below.
Alternatively, you can complete a paper form and return it to the church office.
How do I know if I am resident in the parish?
You can use a Church Near You to determine whether your home address falls within St Michael’s parish boundaries or not.
Click here to use a Church Near You
I still have questions!
If you still have questions or would like some help, you can contact us.
Electoral Roll Form
Click on the button below to go to the online form
Alternatively you can download a paper copy of the form here