Giving for Buildings & Resources

Supporting the resources and buildings for St Michael’s Church, as we aim to be a Christian heart at the centre of our communities, via the Heart of the Community Project (the legal charity name is St Michael’s Church Centre Ltd)

How to give

If you would like to give financially to the Buildings and Resources of St Michael’s, you can do so in the following ways

By internet banking

To donate a one-off lump sum, log in to your online banking or visit your local branch with our bank account details

Account name: St Michael’s Church Centre Ltd HOTC

Sort code 30-62-32

Account Number 34805560

Quote reference as: your first name and surname

Please also complete a Gift Aid form if you are eligible

By cheque

Made payable to St Michael’s Church Centre – HOTC


Some years ago, a vision grew here for St Michael’s to be a Christian heart at the centre of our communities.

Our lives making a difference through learning and growing together, sharing Jesus together, and serving together.

Inspired by this vision and a bit of empty land, the Heart Of The Community project became a reality.

A fourfold project to:

  • Build the St Michael’s Church Centre
  • Refurbish the Church
  • Renew existing buildings
  • Give 10% away

Not just a community building, but building communities here and round the world.

Ten years ago, we took out loans of £2m to develop this project, of which only £360,000 remains.

Our goal this year is to raise £360,000 to clear all the loans and become debt-free!

Raising this amount means that all our loans will have been paid off. This will allow future gift days to focus on the historic church refurbishment, the only part of the project, when we get all the relevant permissions, yet to be finished.

So this year, we aren’t looking for more monthly standing orders.

We are asking for one-off lump sums towards raising the £360,000.

Your gift will make all the difference, and unlock new opportunities going forwards.

Please think and pray about what you might give this year.

We invite everyone to count themselves in by giving to StMichael’s.

These community buildings help us build communities.