This Gift Day supports the resources and buildings for St Michael’s Church, as we aim to be a Christian heart at the centre of the community.
Living to make a difference, through discipleship, outreach and service.
- The completion of St Michael’s Centre
- The refurbishment and protection of St Michael’s Church
- Upgrading the Old School Rooms
- Mission in the UK and beyond.
Giving Thanks
- St Michael’s Centre continues to thrive.
- The Gift day in May 2018 has enabled work to start on the upstairs offices.
- During 2018, we reapid £280,185 of capital off our loans, and £32,447 of interest on those loans.
- We serve church and community groups, local and regional charities and businesses, and many more.
- We have hosted many invitational events.
- In 2019 we’ve donated £100,000 towards mission initiatives.
- We’ve invested in renewing St Michael’s Church tower.
- We’ve resources double glazing in the Old School Rooms Coffee Shop.
One Church, One Vision
- Our vision is Living to make a difference by being a Christian heart at the centre of the community.
- Our vision is realised by focusing on Discipleship, Outreach and Serving Our Community.
- To make our vision happen, we hold 2 gift days a year. One in November to support day-to-day minsitry, and one in May to support our resources and buildings.
God has told us:
Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back, lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes. For you will spread out to the right and to the left.
Isaiah 54:2-3
Our aims
- Develop the arches corridor, giving access to large meeting rooms, storage and kitchen to support large events and complete the Auditorium.
- Upgrade the Old School Rooms kitchen facilities.
- Support the refurbishments of St Michael’s Church building.
- Continue to meet our mortgage obligations, and, if possible, repay some loans early.
What we’re asking now
- Gift day is 12 May 2019.
- We are continuing our journey of faith with the Heart of the Community project.
- Please pray about what you are able to give. Together we can play our part. We can make more of a different across our community and beyond.
This appeal is an invitation
If you’re not yet giving…..
Some of us haven’t been able to support our resources and building project as yet. Could now be your time to begin giving?
If you’re new to St Michael’s…..
Maybe you’ve recently joined church and not yet grasped the vision to be a Christian heart at the centre of the community. Would you consider giving towards the development of the buildings and resources to enable the vision?
If you can give more…..
Some of us are in a better financial position than wehen the Heart of the Community project began. Please pray about increasing your giving.
What next?
Please download a pledge form here,
UK taxpayers can also complete a simple GiftAid form, which means the government will donate an extra 25% on top of your giving at no cost to you or the project.
If you would like to know more about any of the Heart of the Community project, how the money is spent, or help with ways to make one-off donations or arrange regular giving, please contact the church office.
HOTC Gift day 2019 by Laura Thomas