Much has changed since our last Heart of the Community Gift Day in May 2019.
We thought you would like to know what has happened, where gifts have been allocated, and how you can pray effectively for the future.
As a Church we are committed to…
– The completion of St Michael’s Centre
– The refurbishment of St Michael’s Church
– Upgrading the Old School Rooms
– Mission in the UK and beyond
One Church, One Vision
– Our vision is Living to make a difference by being a Christian heart at the
centre of the community.
– Our vision is realised by focusing on Discipleship, Outreach, and Serving our
– To make our vision happen, we hold 2 gift days a year. One in November to support day-to-day ministry, and one in May to support our resources and
We want to update you on how resources are being deployed.
Our last two gift days enabled us to…
– Open a suite of offices upstairs in the Centre (£156k).
– Repay capital on loans, and interest on those loans (£281k).
– Refurbish Old School Rooms Kitchen (£25k).
– Pay £50k early ‘lump sum’ capital repayment on one of our loans to reduce our
monthly interest payments. (Gift Day 2019)
– Donate £100k towards mission initiatives.
– Complete the works in the auditorium, including the completion of the air
handling unit, upgrading the audio systems and progress investigations on tiered
seating (£45k).
Total committed spend to December 2020: £657k
God has spoken to us:
“Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains
wide, do not hold back, lengthen your cords, strengthen your
stakes. For you will spread out to the right and to the left”
Isaiah 54:2-3
What can I pray for?
How do I share what God may say?
Whether you are praying in your Life groups or individually, please pray forwisdom over the potential next steps.
– Developing the arches corridor, giving access to large meeting rooms,
storage and kitchen to support large events. This would cost an extra £550k.
– Repaying a more significant amount on our oustanding loans.
– Continuing to meet our mortgage obligations, and, if possible, repay some
loans early.
– The journey we have been on as a Church has been fuelled by prayer.
– If you have a clear sense of hearing God’s voice on some of the issues
above, please email your thoughts to admin@stmichaelsbristol.org.
– Our Core Leadership team (Si Jones, Tom Benyon, Julie Bradley, Ian Taylor,
Mike Watkivs) reviews any prophetic words at its weekly meetings.