歡迎參加課程的朋友邀請更多朋友和親戚一同參與 – 本課程適合有信仰或沒有信仰的人士參與。
欲瞭解更多資訊,可與James Wong,Elsa Ma或Chris & Lucy Reveley聯絡,或在本會網站上查看有關詳情。
We welcome all recent arrivals to the UK to join us on the Hong Kong Welcome Course running at St Michael’s Centre from Sunday 19 February to Sunday 26 March.
Each week we will eat together at 1pm and then run through the course from 1:45pm, finishing by 3pm.
We invite people to bring their friends and relatives to join the course as well – it is for people of all faiths and of none.
Please register here to join the course so we can plan for the food and the activities.
For more information please talk with James Wong, Elsa Ma or Chris & Lucy Reveley.