This November Gift Day supports the ministry and mission of St Michael’s Church.
Click here to go straight to How to give
Every Person Counts Every Pound Makes a Difference
..see that you also excel in this grace of giving.
2 Corinthians 8:7
Our vision is living to make a difference by being a Christian heart at the centre of our communities.
This vision is realised through Learning & Growing Together, Sharing Jesus Together and Serving Together.
To make our vision happen, we hold 2 gift days a year. One in May to support our resources and buildings and one in November to support day-to-day ministry.
Giving Thanks
Our gifts make this vision possible. This year, we’ve:
- Supported our Mission Partners.
- Moved swiftly to respond to Covid-19 pandemic by enabling livestreaming of Sunday worship, investing in new technology and staffing.
- Begun new Life Groups and Forest Church in New Housing Areas, and established a new service in Stoke Gifford Retirement Village.
- Held a significant Summer Club in our Church Centre.
- Restarted Messy Church and Light Parties.
- Developed student outreach partnering with the university.
- Continued our day-to-day ministry.
Thank you for joining us on this adventure of generous giving that enables our vision to become a reality.
Key Priorities for 2021/2022
Wellbeing Coordinator
To work with existing agencies to resource our response post Covid, in education settings and community.
New Housing Areas
Strengthen community links in Cheswick, Harry Stoke and Scholars Chase, which all sit within our parish. Call people to move into New Housing Areas to begin new Life Groups.
Coffee Shop and Catering
Strengthen the ministry of the Old School Rooms Coffee Shop with additional resource. Engage external consultancy for our overall catering requirements across our ministries and that of the Centre.
Youth & Children’s Ministry
Invest in our teams to resource the expanding ministry and lead our amazing volunteers.
Young Adults
Develop our students & young adults ministry to meet the specific needs of this generation in the current climate.
We have already begun to build on the development of worship teams and to strengthen and enhance our musical worship.
Other costs will include:
- Alleviating last year’s agreed deficit budget of £75k.
- Refurbishment of our Church building: This year and next, we aim to transform the inside of our Church building.
Our ministry is resourced from the generous giving of our church.
Financially, we receive no contributions from the Church of England. In fact, we contribute around £150k per year back to the Church of England in Parish Share to support the wider ministry of the Church in the Bristol Diocese.
If you are new to St Michael’s…
Have you recently joined our church? We invite you to give monthly to enable our vision to become a reality.
If you’re not yet giving…
Some of us haven’t yet been able to support our ministry and mission. Could now be your time to begin giving financially?
If you can give more…
Like any charitable organisation, we are impacted by inflation and other factors that mean our costs steadily increase each year. Could you increase your giving?
Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart togive, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
2 Corinthians 9:7
Next Steps
Our Gift Day is 21 November 2021.
We’re inviting everyone to complete this simple online Response form
Gathering our responses helps us to be able to plan next steps.
Please click on the button below:
For ways to give to St Michael’s PCC click here This includes options to donate via card.
You can also download this webpage in a pdf leaflet format here