Gift Day for Ministry and Mission 2023

Jesus makes a difference. He gives so much to us. Will you give back to Him?

Click here to respond. Click here to see our financial questions and answers.

Here at St Michael’s, our giving helps so much to happen!

Together we can make a difference.

We are called to be a Christian heart at the centre of our communities.

When we give, we help God’s work to happen.

If those who currently give, could increase our giving by £5 a week, alongside fifty new givers, giving £10 a week, and twenty-five new givers giving £20 a week, our annual deficit would vanish.

Please think and pray about what you might give this year. Either as a one-off payment or a monthly standing order payment.

We invite everyone at St Michael’s to count ourselves in by giving. Our generosity helps us to Learn and Grow, Share Jesus and Serve….TOGETHER!


Please add your response by filling in the form below. Or, if you prefer, download a paper form. You can also email us if you have any queries.